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大家在看影视世界从小舍得开始 诸天源引 魔禁之万物冻结 京剧猫之异界飘荡者 力荐河山 一万个我纵横诸天 奸臣宠妻日常 数码宝贝:没有被选召的孩子 从海贼开始燃烧世界 我有一座山 
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第九十二章 画 展

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“During the Renaissance , new ideas and values gradually replaced those held in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate less on religions themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings ,so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They paid artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements.”


“One of the most important discoveries during was how to draw thing in perspective. This technique was first used by Massacho in 1428. When people first saw his paintings , they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene . If the roles of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.

Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. During the Renaissance ,the oil paints were also developed ,which made the colour looks richer and deeper .”


“In the late 19th ceentury, Europe changed a great deal. From a mostly agriculture society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes. Naturally ,these changes also led to new painting styles. Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of paintings were the impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.”


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