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大家在看家有娇妻芙宁娜 汉侯 法医异闻录 诸天尽头 诸天:从玄黄大世界开始无敌 我有一座山 港综:从拘灵遣将开始 斯莱特林的哑炮之子 女主渣化之路 影帝的诸天轮回 
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第438章 人生半日间

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In addition, the time for changing one's mind was over and gone and there was no question of ever returning to the paradise of home. Nothing lay ahead of us but exertion, struggle, and perseverance. Those who were able took advantage of the opportunities for success and happiness that presented themselves amid the worries.

The bell rang announcing the passing of the day and the end of work. The throngs of children rushed toward the gate, which was opened again. I bade farewell to friends and sweethearts and passed through the gate. I peered around but found no trace of my father, who had promised to be there. I stepped aside to wait. When I had waited for a long time without avail, I decided to return home on my own. After I had taken a few steps, a middle-aged man passed by, and I realized at once that I knew him. He came toward me, smiling, and shook me by the hand, saying,“It's a long time since we last met— how are you?“

With a nod of my head, I agreed with him and in turn asked,“And you, how are you?““As you can see, not all that good, the Almighty be praised!“

Again he shook me by the hand and went off. I proceeded a few steps, then came to a startled halt. Good Lord! Where was the street lined with gardens? Where had it disappeared to? When did all these vehicles invade it? And when did all these hordes of humanity e to rest upon its surface? How did these hills of refuse e to cover its sides? And where were the fields that bordered it? High buildings had taken over, the street surged with children, and disturbing noises shook the air. At various points stood conjurers showing off their tricks and making snakes appear from baskets. Then there was a band announcing the opening of a circus, with clowns and weight lifters walking in front. A line of trucks carrying central security troops crawled majestically by. The siren of a fire engine shrieked, and it was not clear how the vehicle would cleave its way to reach the blazing fire. A battle raged between a 'taxi driver and his passenger, while the passenger's wife called out for help and no one answered. Good God! I was in a daze. My head spun. I almost went crazy. How could all this have happened in half a day, between early morning and sunset? I would find the answer at home with my father. But where was my home? I could see only tall buildings and hordes of people. I hastened on to the crossroads between the Burdens and Abu Khoda. I had to cross Abu Khoda to reach my house, but the stream of cars would not let up. The fire engine's siren was shrieking at full pitch as it moved at a snail’s pace, and I said to myself,“Let the fire take its pleasure in what it consumes.” Extremely irritated, I wondered when I would be able to cross. I stood there a long time, until the young lad employed at the ironing shop on the corner came up to me. He stretched out his arm and said gallantly,“Grandpa, let me take you across.“


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站内强推疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 破怨师 影视之每次都有新技能 穿越成60年代小族长的暴爽人生 十里芳菲 孙悟空的悲伤 宋檀记事 我的红警我的兵 我在三国捡尸成神 杀戮系统,绝世杀神 灾后第六年,我靠发豆芽攒下农场 那些年,我在下面兼职的日子 四合院:激情澎湃的岁月 末世老六:开局零元购天量物资 末世大佬零元购地狱模式 四合院之谁都有秘密 春阳仙体 修仙:开局是个瞎眼乞丐 夭寿!老爹魔帝,无敌一下怎么了 家有娇妻芙宁娜 
经典收藏诸天从四合院启航 影视:从奋斗开始,一路狂飙 影视:开局获得阿尔法狗 从虐杀原形开始无敌诸天 吞噬星空之升级就有奖 影视世界从高考开始 精灵之饲育屋 我在霍格沃茨搞发明 吞噬星空之天生兽神 漫威之游戏召唤 影视:人生新体验 影视:从卿卿日常开始 港片:开局一个雷达地图 我是哪吒,横行诸天 美综:科学驱魔 四合院:我是傻柱亲爹 次元:开局签到雷律核心 影视世界从药神开始 从我是余欢水开始 四合院之重回开始的时候 
最近更新她属于我 屠龙:王谢之交 【原神】尼伯龙根,悼亡者的归来 云笔简书 侍妾娇媚,狠戾王爷日日夜夜哄 超神之暗影大帝 我的徒弟全是盖世天骄 末世:抱紧丧尸男友大腿吃香喝辣 梧桐诉 网王:哪个才是真正的你? 不可名状的养成游戏 人前嚣张人后遭殃的小少爷 脑叶:加入研究所,我改变了一切 水默之入画 我暗恋兄弟好多年 宝贝晚安故事大全 哭包皇子重生,世子哪里跑 权位者的游戏【无限流】 发现历史人物 豪门少爷之娱乐圈闯关记 
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