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Ultimate L

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An ultrafilter (or measure)U on P_δ(λ) is fine iff for all \alphaamp;amp;amp;amp;lt;λ we have \{a\inP_δ(λ)\mid \alpha\in a\}\inU.

The ultrafilter U is normal iff it is δ-plete and for all F:P_δ(λ)oλ, if F is regressive U-ae (i.e., if \{a\mid F(a)\in a\}\inU) then F is constant U-ae, i.e., there is an \alphaamp;amp;amp;amp;lt;λ such that \{a\mid F(a)=\alpha\}\inU.

δ is superpact iff for all λ there is a normal fine measure U on P_δ(λ).

It is a standard result that δ is superpact iff for all λ there is an elementary embedding j:Vo M with {\rm cp}(j)=δ, j(δ)amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;λ, and j''λ\in M (or, equivalently,{}^λ M\subseteq M).

In fact, given such an embedding j, we can define a normal fine U on P_δ(λ) by

A\inU iff j''λ\in j(A).

Conversely, given a normal fine ultrafilter U on P_δ(λ), the ultrapower embedding generated by U is an example of such an embedding j. Moreover, if U_j is the ultrafilter on P_δ(λ) derived from j as explained above, then U_j=U.

Another characterization of superpactness was found by Magidor, and it will play a key role in these lectures; in this reformulation, rather than the critical point,δ appears as the image of the critical points of the embeddings under consideration. This version seems ideally designed to be used as a guide in the construction of extender models for superpactness, although recent results suggest that this is, in fact, a red herring.

The key notion we will be studying is the following:

Definition. N\subseteq V is a weak extender model for `δ is superpact’ iff for all λamp;amp;amp;amp;gt;δ there is a normal fine U on P_δ(λ) such that:

P_δ(λ)\cap N\in U, and

U\cap N\in N.

This definition couples the superpactness of δ in N directly with its superpactness in V. In the manuscript, that N is a weak extender model for `δ is superpact’ is denoted by o^N_{\rm long}(δ)=\infty. Note that this is a weak notion indeed, in that we are not requiring that N=L[\vec E] for some (long) sequence \vec E of extenders. The idea is to study basic properties of N that follow from this notion, in the hopes of better understanding how such an L[\vec E] model can actually be constructed.



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