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大家在看四合院:傻柱,孩子不是你的 让你重生弥补遗憾,你却霸占校花 港片:开局坑大嫂三千万 我都快成仙帝了,你让我去高考? 四合院里的悠哉日子 四合院小市民 60年代,我能无限模拟 国民法医 神级插班生 超品相师 
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"Stop wandering around, you're dizzy." Yang Xuexiao uncle Xu Jiashan looked at his wife kept walking, turn upset.

Yang Xue aunt Liu Haiying is not a small woman, from the name to know her strong.

"You still dare to yell at me, not you, your own niece did not care, now do not know the husband's situation, you this little uncle do too inpetent.

If snow is bullied, I see you how to explain to sister, brother-in-law."

"Squelch." The quarrel was interrupted by a sharp push at the door.

"Uncle, aunt, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm waiting for you with your little uncle. Tell me what happened."

Yang Xue blushed again, but still tell things to two people, after listening to two people feel very much.

"This rain column is good, do things very stable, also very bold, more rare is very serious friendship, true wrong."

"What's the use of that? What I value most is his attitude towards Xiaoxue. One hundred yuan is given as soon as he says so, which is not a small amount.

Someone didn't give me anything before, huh?" After all, a woman is a woman, and Xu Jiashan see things from a different Angle.

"Did He Yuzhu say when you will get the license?" Liu Haiying asked.

"You, you, little aunt, what are you talking about?

But how can she escape Liu Haiying's clutches, a was pulled back.

"Shy what, tell my little aunt."

Yang Xue had no choice but to say, "They will e home in a few days to discuss." Then he broke free and ran back to his room.

Liu Haiying nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, it is quite exquisite rules, then we can be on the dim sum, do this thing clearly."


Here He Yuzhu arrived at the rolling mill and went directly to the kitchen.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a group of people there twittering and chatting in full swing.

He Yuzhu frowned, a little dissatisfied, now is the busy time, the workers will have lunch, they still have leisure to chat here.

"What are you doing, man?"

He Yuzhu cold tone let a lot of people are frightened, dare not speak, finally Liu LAN stood up to explain: "He director, we just chat, immediately work."

Say that a group of people ran to their station, the heat of the dry up.

He Yuzhu beckoned to MCA and took him to the office


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站内强推疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 破怨师 我都快成仙帝了,你让我去高考? 剑道第一魔 修仙:开局是个瞎眼乞丐 带着战略仓库回大唐 月待圆时 我的1949从长白山开始 灾后第六年,我靠发豆芽攒下农场 末世疯批女穿成七零年代霸王花 我的红警我的兵 甜心俏后妈 重回1982小渔村 偷偷招惹 十日终焉 丹道仙途 圣上轻点罚,暗卫又哭了 疯了!全球被华夏流卡牌疯狂种草 大乾憨婿 末世老六:开局零元购天量物资 
经典收藏1972,红旗招展的青春年代 四合院里的悠哉日子 人生重启二十年 四合院的钓鱼佬 巨星从港娱97开始 女友警局入职,我天天送罪犯! 华娱:我能进入梦境捡属性 这个演员路子野 华娱之随心所欲 重生1977 重生1958:从窝在深山打猎开始 年代种田,赶山打猎的日子 四合院之跌宕人生 叫你御兽,你养出克苏鲁? 华娱璀璨时代 重生官场后,我先娶了省长爱女 年代:小日子过的真好 龙抬头 重生1960:从深山打猎开始逆袭! 美利坚名利双收 
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