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集(collections of belles lettres):即文集、诗词汇编等(belles-lettres源自法语,意为“美好的文字”,指的是以纯艺术为主要追求的文学作品)



Debates about the Way had taken shape during the pre-Qin period when the lack of a political center permitted the rise of professional thinkers and diplomats. As these concerned scholars sought to persuade rulers of better paths to peace and good government, those unable to serve as officials often became teachers of disciples. These thinkers made the Warring States China's richest period of philosophical debate, a time famous for its “Hundred Schools of Thought.“ Of these schools, the historian Sima Tan 司马谈(d. 110 BCE) identified six that, thanks in part to his formulation, would e to have a sustained influence. In addition to identifying as schools the Naturalists 阴阳家, Confucians 儒家, and Moists 墨家, Sima invented the categories of Legalists 法家, Logicians 名家(“Sophists,“ lit., the “School of Names“), and Daoists 道家.





Buddhism, too, would soon contribute profoundly to debates about the path of right living. Originally from India, Buddhism became a major branch of Chinese thought, and Buddhist stories from India were among the earliest fictional works in China. By the second century, poetic renderings of the life of Sakyamuni Buddha and other Buddhist parables were translated into Chinese, and these parables and sutras (threads) became essential elements of the literary tradition.(The esteemed term for “classics“[jing 经] was also used for sutra titles.) Often synthesized with Confucian and Daoist ideas, Buddhist concepts of illusion, predestined union, karma, and reincarnation soon took root as folk beliefs; beliefs with especially wide appeal during the disunion following the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220. By the Tang dynasty (617–907), when a reunited China expanded militarily and weled broader dealings with foreign ideas and people, Buddhist themes and forms had influenced many major developments in Chinese literature. Understanding of this influence was revolutionized by the early twentieth-century unearthing of almost 40,000 manuscripts from a cave sealed since the eleventh century near Dunhuang in western China.



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经典收藏诸天之百味人生 从吞噬星空开始无限模拟 影视:流窜在诸天的收集员 神印:内卷修炼,把龙皓晨卷哭了 拯救诸天单身汉 人在斗罗,开局觉醒时间零 精灵之饲育屋 吞噬星空:开局签到帝经 吞噬星空之天生兽神 影帝的诸天轮回 影视:从卿卿日常开始 四合院:开局签到100只大肥猪 星穹铁道:玩家求我进卡池 港片:开局一个雷达地图 我是哪吒,横行诸天 次元:开局签到雷律核心 成为次十四有多难 我在吞噬星空捡属性 屠龙之前就读过龙族的路明非 四合院,我刘光齐狂飙进部 
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