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But the reality is complex.

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第55章 But the reality is plex.

But the reality is plex.

Mike Padgham who runs a group of care homes in Yorkshire says that although many resident’s families want restrictions ended others want them to stay to protect their relative from covid managing visits in a way that minimises the risk of transmission puts an extra load on staff.

And if transmission does occur then employees who catch covid have to stay away from work creating a feedback loop this he says puts care providers between a rock and a hard place.



risk of



Load on


Campaigners argue that the dangers of isolation now outweigh those posed by the virus reliable date on any causal links between human contact and dementia outes do not exist running controlled.

Experiments in which a set of study participants is systematically isolated would be unethical.

But qualitative and observational studies suggest that maintaining human contract with a know caregiver improves dementia patients scores on testes for depression and cognitive ability Mr Padgham has no doubts human contact with loved ones is fundamental

To their well-being it can slow down the dementia one fact is especially salient in this regard Dementia and Alzheimer’s were the cescond most






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