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第97章 品牌 纪梵希


Givenchy and Hepburn: The Original Brand Ambassador

By Vanessa Friedman

Before there were“brand ambassadors”; before there was E!’s“Live From the Red Carpet”; before“American Gigolo” and Armani; before there were Los Angeles offices and celebrity liaisons for every fashion brand; before there were influencers, there was Hubert de Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn.

The original designer and his actress muse, Mr. Givenchy and Ms. Hepburn defined a relationship that has bee the gold standard of almost every brand. And though almost every obituary and headline since the news of Mr. Givenchy’s death this week at age 91 has referenced the relationship as core to his career, its impact went far beyond what it meant for the individuals involved.

Arguably, on the model of their 40-year relationship, an entire fashion/Hollywood industrial plex has been built.

The question for me is whether either of them would necessarily recognize the connection, as deformed and industrialized as it has bee.

It’s worth reminding ourselves, in the age of what increasingly seems like celebrities-for-hire— when dresses worn by one designer to enter an award ceremony get changed to dresses worn by another designer for the after party and famous names profess undying devotion to a brand one season and then pop up in the ads of another brand the next— that once upon a time this was about two people who found in each other kindred spirits and worked together to craft two images: that of a woman and the man who dressed her.

And that once“muse,” when applied to fashion and artist, was interpreted in the classical Greek sense of the word, as opposed to as inspiration for hire, or for public pitching.



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站内强推逍遥四公子 破怨师 骑遇 影视之每次都有新技能 穿越成60年代小族长的暴爽人生 青云仕途 娇妻得宠:盛少别乱来 挪用九族炒股亏炸?我狂赚百亿! 剑道第一魔 我和你差之微毫的世界 我当道士那些年 春阳仙体 历劫神妃 官途之直入青云 四合院之报复易中海贴大字报 重生九零恶婆婆 玄幻:遇强则强,我的修为无上限 我的美女老板娘 霍格沃茨:我真是模范巫师 分身都是乐子人,他信了他信了! 
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