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大家在看长生:从修仙文明熬到科技文明 杀戮系统,绝世杀神 赘婿 玄幻:勾栏听曲的我,模拟成神 铸就无上仙秦:朕的儿女都有外挂 修仙:我真没想当舔狗! 开局女帝赐死,十万龙骑绕长安 极限伏天 开局召唤:我的燕云十八骑有点多 从旁门小修到元神道君 
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第9章 遗产揭秘

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Otherworldly entities, beyond the scope of description or understanding, descend from the changing sky. It materializes in the library, an evil presence that seems to challenge the boundaries of reality. Its form is constantly changing, defying any attempt to capture it within the confines of mortal language.

The librarian, whose flesh had fused with the library's coral, was consumed by the entity. They writhed and writhed in a hideous display of grief, their forms being one with the descended entity. The eerie silence that enveloped the library was broken by the librarian's scream.

Eliandra, her mind still reeling from the revelation, finds herself caught in the middle of cosmic turmoil. The emotional gulf of anxiety is widening, and the tension builds with each passing second. He had no choice but to escape the crumbling library, to escape the evil that had been unleashed within.

With shaky steps, he retraced his path through the winding corridors of the Abyssal Library. The living coral seemed to be clawing at him, as if resisting his departure. The eerie lighting, which had cast disturbing shadows on the walls, flickered and dimmed.

Outside, in the distorted reality of Coralis, the townspeople remain trapped in their madness. The gulf of curiosity and fear has widened, and the tension deepens as Eliandra emerges from the depths of the library.

Chapter 3 tells the continuation of Eliandra's journey in the Abyssal Library, where cosmic revelation unfolds in a series of visions. The gulf of curiosity was acpanied by growing uneasiness as the weight of revelation pressed upon him. The arrival of otherworldly entities, the use of librarians, and the chaos that ensues are meticulously documented, emphasizing the stark contrast between the known and unknown aspects of the narrative.



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站内强推逍遥四公子 破怨师 龙游天下之瑞康公主小传 斯莱特林的哑炮之子 大明之气运至尊 宋檀记事 我的红警我的兵 极品布衣 大兴安岭打猎知青 顶级奸商:无敌从贩卖军火开始 亿倍返还:双手插兜,没有对手! 龙族 离婚后前妻成债主第二季 末世大佬零元购地狱模式 四合院之谁都有秘密 四合院:带走随身空间下乡 蛇棺 渣夫领回了白月光我转身嫁他首长 和离之后 帝御无疆 
经典收藏万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 洪荒之我红云崛起了 我能升级自己的身体 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 吞噬星空之复制成神 最强神宠系统 吞噬星空:我能无限顿悟 洪荒:人在截教,努力就能变强! 强化子嗣:苟成诸天最强老祖 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 开局刚好苟完十年,我无敌了 神宠全球降临 我在御兽世界里卖盲盒 神级御兽 全球御兽 从水猴子开始成神 玄幻:苟家十年,我举世无敌 我的妻子是大乘期大佬 我不会武功 
最近更新开局大乘期,我不吃牛肉 在西游世界当发明大王 小师妹限制解除面无表情地盯着我 人生模拟:我家娘子竟然成真了 仙魔情动山河乱 搞笑奇谈奇谈搞笑 万族尊我为天帝,只因我九个徒弟! 穿越西游之无敌白骨精 开局召唤吕布,华夏名将横扫诸天 战,天帝 青云双少:逆世修仙 九州风云变 巨型生长的野蛋 九叔世界里的唯一玩家 位面争霸之黑山羊繁育父神 我就开个店,门口全是巨龙等投喂 逼我挖骨废修,我选择成为万古仙帝 玄幻:修为尽失后,逆徒们乐疯了 我在异世界做咸鱼大侠 万古炼神录 
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