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大家在看疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 逍遥四公子 我,天道殿殿主,打造诸天万榜 万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 长生:从修仙文明熬到科技文明 九转不灭诀 老蛇修仙传 开局强娶敌人老祖,我直接起飞了 开局召唤:我的燕云十八骑有点多 被关十万年,我疯了,也无敌了 
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第9章 遗产揭秘

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At this time the cargo ship was anchored at the pier and the sailors and crew jumped into the pier ditch and moved to unload the cargo. Mr Andrews also got off the cargo ship and came to his car parked on the beach. He pulled out his keys, pressed the unlock button, and was about to get into the car when suddenly a biting cold wind blew through the corners of his clothes and felt strange yelling in his ears. His eyes suddenly widened. What he saw was a badly rusted iron sign, black and purple, reflecting a strange light in the setting sun. It was at this moment that Mr. Andrews' heart seemed to burst, and he felt a shock and lost his breath. His lip trembled and his hand reached to touch the rugged iron. But before I could touch him, he was gone forever. The process only lasted a moment as I watched his hand move in front of him. While he was stunned there, the area returned to its original position, black and empty, and he fell back into that strange and unbearable smothering. He struggled to his feet, ran to the railing of the pier, looked down and vaguely remembered that a car had just stopped at the pier and then the man got into the car and locked the doors and everything was locked. That’s gone. Peace returned. Mr. Andrews glanced at the other yachts in the dark moat and dock and sighed.

"Andrews, what's wrong?"

This was unexpected.

Aria believed.

Launch an attack with a sacred artifact.

It is like the wrath of a serpent demon.

Like the dance of souls and spirits.

The power was enough to destroy the city, and the city collapsed in an instant.

Destroy what you see, destroy everything you see.

However, the older half of the fish's owner has yet to be found.

He was really lost.

Seeing this situation, Aliya did not stop and moved to another place.



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站内强推逍遥四公子 疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 武帝重生 都市医道龙神 破怨师 他的小难哄 庶女有毒 德正道昭 龙游天下之瑞康公主小传 仕途人生 三体 盘说 骑遇 影视之每次都有新技能 斯莱特林的哑炮之子 重生另嫁小叔,夫妻联手虐渣 傻子,不可以 挪用九族炒股亏炸?我狂赚百亿! 龙族 玄幻:遇强则强,我的修为无上限 
经典收藏万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 逍遥四公子 道诡异仙 修仙路上美女多 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 全属性武道 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 全西游都慌了,我的徒弟都成圣了 洪荒之我红云崛起了 长生从内卷肝经验开始 强化子嗣:我后代遍布修仙界 我的修炼时间和人不一样 我能升级自己的身体 狩魔大宗师 天渊 洪荒,从道门首徒开始 洪荒之开局成了先天芭蕉树 吞噬星空之我有数据面板 神宠全球降临 天人图谱 
最近更新神医重生,闯荡三界 请归 嫌我是废体悔婚,我把替嫁娇妻调教成女帝! 河海跃行 我有一鼎,可镇乾坤! 开局大乘期,我不吃牛肉 我是修仙界第一败类 在西游世界当发明大王 战神云飞扬:为护妻女,宁负天下 蓝星玩家太激进,催我登基称帝 把你当兄弟,你却是女帝? 凡人:别人修仙,我练武种田 逃离系统的逆天魅惑者 小师妹限制解除面无表情地盯着我 合欢宗祸害,仙子们都无心修炼了 玄幻御兽:我养的蛊有亿点凶 散血挖骨,万人嫌侯府世子我不当了 正道大师兄怎么可能是反派? 僵尸:任家镇保安,开局轰杀邪修 我的灵界生涯之旅 
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