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大家在看杀戮系统,绝世杀神 系统赋我长生,先结婚生子再说 废武魂?我,逆天进化,震惊世界 造化血狱体 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 瞎编功法,徒儿你真练成了? 武道封神,观摩即可加点! 多子多福,从娶妻开始争霸天下 真武世界 魔功比魔祖强,结果你是正道魁首 
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第12章 欺骗之网

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``I couldn't even find any bones.'' Huang Qitao's eyes were red, and he couldn't tell whether they were from hatred or kindness. His mouth was trembling, "I'm such a bad person!"

``I don't think we can recover the bones now. It's meaningless.'' Huang Qitao wiped away the tears from his runny nose. He stood up, walked over to Li Jiahong, and patted Li Jiahong's chest. Good luck...your wife is still here...it's better to use all the time you have left to spend time with your family instead of focusing on established facts. ”

After saying that, Huang Qitao pushed Li Jiahong away and walked away like a normal person.

“Brother Jiahong, are you okay?” Seeing Li Jiahong’s dull expression, the only family member who wanted to believe in Li Jiahong came to Li Jiahong and asked with concern.

Li Jiahong's rapid breathing was a reflection of his heart, and it was very disturbing. She silently shed two hot tears and hurriedly wiped them away. He forced himself to suppress his upset mood, gave the other party an ugly smile, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xue Hanlei. Come on, let's talk somewhere."

With that said, he immediately stood up and bowed deeply to apologize to the others in the store. Later, with the support of Xue Hanlei, he left the restaurant and went to a fast food burger joint a kilometer away, where he sat in a corner.

“Brother Jiahong, are you okay?” Seeing that Li Jiahong’s expression was still a little dull, Xue Hanlei asked anxiously.

Li Jiahong nodded slowly and said, “It’s okay.”

Rubbing my nose with my hand, I looked around and realized that we had arrived at a burger restaurant. He smiled at Xue Hanlei and said, "If you want to eat or drink something, please order it. I didn't do well today, so I can't do it for you." That's terrible, I'll treat it. ”



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站内强推疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 偷偷招惹 丞相女儿要出嫁 万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 四合院回到五零 窥春情 四合院:开局带着一条猎犬 重生七零再高嫁 四合院:53年开启生活之路 我的红警我的兵 仕途人生 四合院:采购员从打猎开始致富 穿越兽世:绑定生子系统后逆袭了 重生长姐种田忙 诸天尽头 我在三国捡尸成神 圣上轻点罚,暗卫又哭了 大兴安岭打猎知青 星辰变后传 四合院:我不爽,都别想好过 
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最近更新剑道:混沌极巅 签到千年,从凡尘仆役到仙界至尊 异界骷髅扶强路 武魂大陆异界游 天南星魔影仙踪 太虚龙帝 封神偷听我心声乱套了,我只想死 不曾无敌于世,可斩天上之仙 白衣长衫 东游:从斗战圣佛到齐天大圣 绝世天骄有如何:我开挂你怕啥? 诸天无敌,我有最强传功系统 我的金手指是系统建筑 禁区之神 我家大师兄太过可爱了真是抱歉呢 我是反派,这把生死局! 师尊,你还说这不是双修法? 小师弟明明超强,却过分低调 错练神功,镇压诸世 仙盗奇缘:逆天改命 
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