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第28章 流沙

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Successive Murlocs were well aware of the dangers of the Eikan's nest, and ceased their violent stance, often retreating in alarm and fear.

When Yu Lianyun saw this, he pointed his weapon at them and stopped attacking.

After all, bullets are limited, so save them if you can.

The two men got out from under the tugboat and made their way back step by step to the house where the tunnel entrance was located.

However, after escaping the confined space, the murlocs no longer cower as they did in the tunnel. Instead, they formed a circle in the room and slowly approached them.

Murlocs are clearly not stupid. They also know strategies and analyze situations. In open places, Yu Lianyun's advantage will be greatly reduced.

Yu Lianyun looked solemn and tried to control her heart rate. Li Nuowei looked at the surrounding Murlocs indifferently. The two watched over Drake and the innocent boy.

The only weapon that Drake had in his hand was a dagger, but he knew that the knife's role was not to protect himself, but to kill himself...

Since he is the "Son of God" prophesied by the Ankai Society, the prophecy will not succeed as long as he dies and ceases to exist. At least he can use his death to protect the human world.

But it is better to die than to live. If Drake had a choice, he would obviously choose to believe in hope. He hoped that his two strong teammates, Yu Lianyun and Li Nuowei, could lead them to escape.

The murlocs shrunk in a circle and approached at the same time. They took the initiative to invade Eikan's nest's sphere of influence and insisted on capturing Drake and the innocent boy.

In response, Yu Lianyun and Li Nuowei immediately chose to resist. Yu Lianyun blew off the head of the approaching fishman, while Li Nuowei effortlessly swung the great sword in his hand like a skilled swordsman. , took the initiative to meet them and cut down those fishmen.



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