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第30章 揭幕

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Chen Xiaolin tried to turn on the light in the attic, but found it unresponsive, and asked in a cold sweat, "Hey, this is strange. Why isn't there any light?"

When he asked, Li Duojin had already turned on the mobile phone light and entered the attic.

``Hey, did you just e in?'' Following Li Duanen's example, Chen Xiaolin turned on the light on her mobile phone and followed him into the vast attic.

Li Tajin's eyes followed the light. The attic was filled with debris, antiques, art and discarded furniture and covered. Facts similar to those on the floor are found on some discarded furniture. , and there are traces of past violent use. Combined with the evidence of damage around the attic, which is difficult to clean and repair, there must have been some heavy fighting here recently.

Li Duanen quietly kept these results in mind, continued to explore, and finally sat down at the table with Chen Xiaolin.

The dining table was covered with a white cover, on which strange symbols had been drawn in blood-colored paint. These symbols looked like circuit boards and eventually led to an empty area that appeared to be sitting on top of something else.

“Huh? That symbol.” Chen Xiaolin also observed the symbol on the table. He then let out a cry of surprise, grabbed the tablecloth, opened his phone, and pulled out a close-up photo of Zheng Yu's face when he was shot. He suddenly discovered that the symbol Zheng Yu carved on his forehead and the one written on the tablecloth were the same system.

143 unfinished rituals

``There were actually photos of the scene.'' Li Duaren looked at Chen Xiaolin and felt that this female reporter really had something to offer.

“It doesn’t matter what you can do with a little money,” Chen Xiaolin said, showing his cell phone to Li Duanen, “Mr. Li, you always said that you had skills, but when you entered the room, Or felt something strange, so what do you think about these symbols and this ``Attic?'' "



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经典收藏万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 全属性武道 洪荒之我红云崛起了 逆天邪神 九星霸体诀 西游:人在天庭,朝九晚五 躺平:老婆修炼我变强 卧底?三年又三年我成了魔道掌教 最强神宠系统 签到十年,我成圣了 吞仙 西游:悟性逆天,领悟天罡地煞 强化子嗣:苟成诸天最强老祖 玄幻:我和女帝的九世孽缘 洪荒:吾为大天尊,统御诸天! 帝霸 神级御兽 铁血斥侯 天人图谱 玄幻:苟家十年,我举世无敌 
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