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大家在看长生:从修仙文明熬到科技文明 杀戮系统,绝世杀神 剑道第一魔 夭寿!老爹魔帝,无敌一下怎么了 诛仙! 自缚禁地五百年,我当散修你哭啥 武神空间 九转帝尊 御兽:从巡山犬开始 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 
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第35章 黑暗中的窃窃私语

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Clark was surprised when the cold water seeped through the clothes on his chest and touched his skin like the tip of a cold knife. He was a little confused, but eventually reached out and stroked the beautiful maid's back. I can't stop talking and I don't know how to fort him.

Afterwards, the last resident of the castle, the cook Hela, also rushed to Count Bluebeard's room. After seeing the dead Count Bluebeard, he was so frightened that his face turned pale and he seemed unsteady on his feet. , he sat down.

The moment Clark saw Hela, he remembered last night's secret investigation of the castle, and the first thing that came to mind was that Hela was probably responsible for Count Bluebeard's murder.

However, Clark did not immediately reveal his identity because he had no absolutely strong way to prove his identity. It is revealed that he is a law enforcement officer who has snuck into the castle to investigate a crime, much like the opening scene of players changing identities when playing "The Killing Game." That's stupid.

Doing this not only makes him look stupid, it could draw the attention of the real killer who is most likely to kill him, and definitely puts him at risk.

His identity as a law enforcement officer in this world is a good one, but the real Clark doesn't know how to fight. Perhaps even the frightened little maid hiding in his arms at this moment may have more fighting ability than him.

Clarke couldn't help but feel a little confused as she saw Miss Hela, the most beautiful maid in the castle, sitting on the floor in fear, oblivious to her own grace.

Is he really a murderer? If yes, does it work too well?

Well, he's really good at acting...at least in front of Count Bluebeard, he doesn't show any expressions or movements that show any resistance in public.



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