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大家在看星辰王 夭寿!老爹魔帝,无敌一下怎么了 赘婿 霸天武魂 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 龙族5悼亡者的归来(龙族Ⅴ:悼亡者的归来) 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 面板修仙:咸鱼狂肝秒升仙 大帝之下我帝境,大帝之上我开挂 春阳仙体 
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第56章 潜伏的疯狂

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Ma: On Dong Wen's desk, there was a book with somewhat shabby contents. The text on the cover was written in Latin. I had seen Latin, but I didn't know much about it. He could only recognize Latin texts. So he took a photo of the book cover and sent it to Zhu Jingzhi to decipher and interpret.

After that, Ma Yu checked the puter that had entered the screen animation, and saw Dongwen's suicide note written on the puter.

Although it can be called a suicide note, it is actually more like an outpouring of emotions.

he died! Hahaha!

he died!

he died!

Die, die, die, die (omitting countless deaths)...

Logically reassembling Dong Wen's broken prose, Ma You finally understood what Dong Wen had finally written.

ex-girlfriend, who apparently disappeared because of them. Just yesterday, his ex-girlfriend's parents called him and told him the news. Afterwards, Dong Wen Ye was unsure of his mood and finally chose to hang himself.

After further searching Dong Wen's puter files, Mr. Mayou also found some logs that Dong Wen had written on his puter. The log regularly recorded events since he became a hacker, including the origin of this old book on his puter desk. .

311 rich people

The origin of this ancient book that rivals Dong Wen in his pirate career is somewhat dramatic from Dong Wen's perspective.

This old book was not what Dongwen originally wanted to find. At first, he only did information reselling business as a hacker, but one day he got a special client.

This customer's request was extremely unusual. The person he asked Dong Wen to investigate was not a big name, but a scavenger, someone on the fringes of society.



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站内强推疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 仕途人生 庶女有毒 十里芳菲 三体 异兽迷城 我的年代,从四合院开始 大婚当天去照顾师弟,我走你哭啥 龙族 金戈铁马有红妆 和离之后 全网磕爆!但结婚证是我P的 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 四合院:阎解旷的潇洒人生 误沾春情 官途之直入青云 那些年,我在下面兼职的日子 妻叛,发现岳母的秘密 灾后第六年,我靠发豆芽攒下农场 我有三个龙傲天竹马 
经典收藏万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 全西游都慌了,我的徒弟都成圣了 我的修炼时间和人不一样 天渊 洪荒,从道门首徒开始 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 吞噬星空之复制成神 吞噬星空之我有数据面板 西游:尘封觉醒 御兽进化商 苟在神鬼世界当武神 悟性逆天,我打造反派长生世家 扮演凡人,被女帝偷听心声 帝霸 给大帝收尸,我暴涨万年修为! 洪荒:我,人族圣皇,悟性逆天 全球御兽 洪荒:我的徒儿们实在太惊艳了! 诡异世界签到可太难了 
最近更新九叔:从末法民国开始攀登仙路 都市隐龙,仙途无悔 我的侍女是绝色天骄 万界主宰悟性太高我全能 斗罗:系统!从俘获女神开始无敌 晚年修仙合欢宗 逆脉无道 谁都别想超度我! 乾坤小世界 御妖司的咸鱼调查员 万界剑系统 穿越洪荒,我以三大本尊证道永恒 谁教你这么修仙的 天命逆途,逆命 无敌战神【叶尘】 游戏修成真仙后,现实灵气复苏了 遮天:女帝篇 废柴觉醒:九鼎大陆 拜托,我真不是幽魂魔尊! 赠礼万倍返还,修仙界第一舔狗 
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