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第60章 最后的对峙

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When these monsters appear in the sea, Arya knows that even if she gets into a lifeboat, she can't get out. Even without using magic or other magical powers, he could maintain it for a long time. it's been a long time. , now there is no need to wait.

He does not want to use supernatural powers.

Will I get preferential treatment if I say I believe in Cthulhu?

Aria thought hard, because the Family saw the animals ing, the god behind them was not ready to act, because if the evil really came, the Family would not have time to go to the bar.

Since Cthulhu is the lord of the sea and the "lord of dreams," all sea gods or gods associated with him must be children of Cthulhu.

But is there any real magical knowledge here? It is also a question that he did not forget that this world "brings the book of Azathoth." That's not the real world. How much do wizards really know about this strange world? This is real and true. listen

Occultism and magic are different.

It is obvious that the mantra is universal in all worlds and this is also confirmed in the infinite world of the Lord's gates.

Regardless of the form of the world or the difference of the divine power, the divine power itself will belong to the world, and anything that does not belong to the world is not divine power but natural power, so Aria's magic is used here. No problem at all. .

Aria learns that the evil god is not enough of a threat to kill people, and Pochi's disfort begins to fade, and she begins to wonder if she can share her knowledge of the god's power.

In this world, the relationship between the Familia and the Evil God is closer than expected, and Aria explains how powerful the power of the Evil God is in the sea, and Familia's orders are immediately obeyed.

But first, you can't be a magician with a familiar, and you don't want to scare the evil god, so if you're going to use magic, you better not use it. with him. he..



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经典收藏万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 全属性武道 洪荒之我红云崛起了 逆天邪神 洪荒,从道门首徒开始 九星霸体诀 西游:人在天庭,朝九晚五 长生:我在人间混吃等死的那些年 躺平:老婆修炼我变强 诡异横行:我在异世敕封神明 最强神宠系统 西游:悟性逆天,领悟天罡地煞 洪荒:人在截教,努力就能变强! 强化子嗣:苟成诸天最强老祖 洪荒:吾为大天尊,统御诸天! 帝霸 赘婿 铁血斥侯 从水猴子开始成神 玄幻:苟家十年,我举世无敌 
最近更新封神?我不同意你封个毛 封神之开局十绝阵 灵幻仙途:五灵主宰 穿越后我在修仙界女尊宠夫 他连神兽都能炼制,你说他是废物? 没有美女追随不是成功的召唤师 西游记师徒穿越现代 惊!梦幻四界主宰 每天都在饿死边缘 东神宫 全宇宙都在灵气复苏 我创造了禁忌的她们 我有神手系统,逆天逍遥仙界 我真不想长生 武道修仙:我一修炼就开悟 我,野神?我靠香火凌驾诸神之上 僵尸:人在义庄,九叔直呼教不了 五行大圆满 漱心女神只 斗罗:化身九尾,拐走小舞当老婆 
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