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第64章 艾尔德里奇的崛起

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He was controlled by the miraculous powers of magic, and the floor under his feet became stronger and stronger, being a cracked beach and the moon. An ill wind blows, a storm rolls in, and Arya is attacked. Oh, he rolled the rock and it left an uneven mark on the ground like a bullet trail.

is that so?

Where did it e from?

The crowd asked, and Damon Arya answered.

This is magic, a power that only God's messengers can wield.

Aria was lying there looking and saying stupid things, but this was a village where no one knew magic, so it was safe.

The poor believe that they should not use things they do not know, that only the skilled can use them, and they even believe that no one in the village knows magic, which is why the magicians. It seems silly to lose the magic effect upon entering the village.

For example, Aria knows very well that people who live in places of other religions and Christians think that this is a place blessed by God and that no evil power of God is used. fool

If magic is declared to be the power of God, ignorant people will accept it.

In addition, it is easier to understand if it is shown as Dagon's power here.

Of course he was right. Because the power he used as a demon is believed to be the power of Dagon.

What does aria mean?

Usia frowned as Aria was clearly relaxing. He didn't care what he said, but what worried him was that his brother took off his clothes without permission. .

Am I really like that, sister, is it easy? What I understand is that the highest interpretation of natural law is the one that is religiously true and more true than this world, apart from the so-called spiritual and physical order.



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