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第89章 乌尔塔尔

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Nancy doesn't want to save people because of what happened in the Trojan room before, but no one else should do anything to harm An Chi. Come to think of it, An Yi probably thought that he was a criminal who had pletely captured her attention and kept her there forever.

So Nancy, who didn't feel much remorse, decided to speak up.

I said, are you sure it's locked?

I think that makes perfect sense, you know? Nancy, people like that can't live on salt and water.

I think there is a big difference between your view and mine on the meaning of Adam.

After hearing Angel's answer, Nancy clearly showed anger and this time Nancy stared at Angel.

Needless to say, the other side seems to have changed a lot.

Can he secretly use his skills?

Nancy doesn't know what the other's "genius" is, but it may be the only way to explain this strange situation.

Did something like that happen? Because Nancy is humble. Human evolution is not like that. Evolution is not about one generation, but the sum of all generations and evolution.

However, the most important customization is here.

Again, do you think activating others is a good idea?

This time, An Chi asked Nancy, but An Chi didn't seem to wait for Nancy's answer. Because he continued talking after half a second.

Still, it might be worth checking out here. I don't know, but I might do it differently depending on your answer.

The angel (physically) took the seal from the other's mouth and said:

He didn't seem to be quiet - no, he was sleeping. I'm so tired of resisting, so in this case, if I face my heart, I might get into trouble.

Therefore, it is a good idea to force yourself to lose sleep.

However, Angel doesn't seem to want the rest of the party to be rescued from Dreamland.

So he transferred the remaining water from the bathtub to a bucket and poured all the water directly on him.



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