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第91章 Y'grakh的部落知识

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In fact, such a terrible and disgusting building can only be seen here.

Perhaps because the mage's mind was different from others, even when he witnessed such a creature, his actions, signs, and body did not show any negative effects.

Obviously these buildings have been there from the beginning, have been here since the beginning, and it's like living here.

Maybe because at this point Angel is a lost child in this world, a walking demon that doesn't exist.

Apart from these two reasons, such a thing seems inprehensible.

However, things have changed this time.


Suddenly he heard a voice. It wasn't the voice he was used to, definitely from a different life.

Affected by that voice, he suddenly changed.

His eyes lit up and everyone turned in the direction of the voice.

The main body also rotates depending on the orientation.

His body was staring straight at the man, the boy with the different hair.

He is not strong and he is not thin. The clothes he was wearing were torn, and even his shoes had many holes.

No matter how you look at him, he's just a man.

So it seems strange.

Why do such people appear in the world? Why do such people live so long?

Such questions arose in my mind, and when doubts arose, the head that should have been wiped began to return.

Of course they are human, I thought they were just animals in this world, thank God.

Just like that, Kyou II's other eye saw a foreign object that shouldn't be here.

If I had to keep quiet here, I'm sure I'd feel bad about what others might think of me.

He might get hit hard.

Of course, due to this mysterious and unknown event, it is possible that An Qi has stopped this movement by accident.

You will also be asked about this person.

For example, could the blobs produced by this mutation really be what they are?



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