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大家在看长生仙途:我有人物面板 投资重生女帝,她竟叫我相公 霸天武魂 这个炼丹师玩的真脏啊 摆烂娶妻后,我解锁简单难度修仙 极限伏天 瞎编功法,徒儿你真练成了? 继承土地庙,从教黄皮子讨封开始 多子多福,从娶妻开始争霸天下 春阳仙体 
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第95章 无光深渊

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I'm lucky, even the evil god has talent, so it's not bad.

Amy smiled.

Of course, the evil Amy criticized didn't take her at her word.

A title like Dart doesn't mean power, it's usually just a monster.

This robot turned animal is very talented, but he can only do so much with this talent.

She really pales in parison to the main demon, Amy Wagers.

For him, such a situation is unexpected at best, and if you answer as above, it will be difficult and difficult.

The dragon begins to move, and the people who go to Area B are killed by the sound of a bell.

The animal walked slowly to the corner, then crossed it and came out the other corner.

Its sharp legs can easily penetrate the human body, waterproof clothing, and metal weapons.

Even the warriors driving Kai's car could not resist the monster.

With each blow, the power of the center is easily destroyed, and people are not fearless creatures.

20% of the workers died and the guard began to collapse.

There were many dead bodies lying on the ground.

The defense of force is ineffective against the evil known as the Almighty.

Maybe the only way is to close Area B and then revive it.

However, considering the monster's abilities, ordinary blocks cannot be used.

At this point, as seen from the central control room, a dark figure approached from the surroundings, so this idea was correct.

It is impossible to see the face of this evil animal, which looks like a dream, but from the dark lines from the insects a scary smile and dirt can be seen.


The people screamed in the central voice control room, but the power of God quickly stopped their screams, because when the head is separated from the body, the people don't make a sound.

Five seconds passed before the entire room fell silent except for Amy and the principal.



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