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大家在看造化血狱体 废武魂?我,逆天进化,震惊世界 轮回塔 开局万倍地图,苟到天荒地老 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 全职法师 面板修仙:咸鱼狂肝秒升仙 多子多福,从娶妻开始争霸天下 无敌召唤系统 开局,大帝师尊求我争夺序列弟子 
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第149章 moment

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At this moment, Wu Long called out and the soldiers under him orderly formed their formation.

Wu Long was determined to adopt fan-shaped defense, distributing soldiers throughout the position, and meticulously constructing a fan-shaped firepower network without blind spots using scattered shooting points.

Wu Long looked at his subordinates, all of whom were hundreds of experienced veterans, equipped with modern weapons and belonging to the elite among the elite. At least in the end of the world, such troops cannot be found near the lower city.

As soon as we entered the battle, the sound of automatic weapons "da da da da da" penetrated through the city. Wu Long's army's collaborative bat ability was indeed not limited, and the intermittency of bullet shooting was highly rhythmic. There were almost no gaps in firepower throughout the entire shooting period.

This is a manifestation of the bat strength of the entire army. If we were to fight in the city, we would definitely not be able to achieve such coordination.

Under the same weapons and equipment, the attack in the lower city may be very fierce at the beginning, but if we cannot grasp the cooperation between friendly forces well, there will soon be a blank stage of firepower.

The so-called firepower gap refers to everyone shooting at the same time without bullets and changing magazines. During this time, it is a fatal negligence, which may end up being played out.

Wu Long's troops have no such flaws, and their long-term live fire bat has honed their bat tacit understanding.

A zombie had just jumped out of the tunnel and landed on the ground. It rolled and before it could get up, a huge bullet hole appeared on its head. The red bullet mixed with white brain shot through the back of its head, creating a spark on the alloy ground. The zombie had just reached the ground with both hands, intending to get up again, but failed to exert any force and knelt directly.



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