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大家在看长生仙途:我有人物面板 玄幻:勾栏听曲的我,模拟成神 铸就无上仙秦:朕的儿女都有外挂 盲目剑圣,睁眼即无敌 开局强娶敌人老祖,我直接起飞了 武神空间 开局召唤:我的燕云十八骑有点多 御兽:从巡山犬开始 我的徒弟都是大反派 多子多福,从娶妻开始争霸天下 
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The distance from the helicopter to Cuixi District is just the time to pee.

Wang Qiang sat on the plane, looking at Cuixi District.

At this moment, Cuixi District is a sea of corpses and blood!

Millions of zombies are pounding the human defense line in Cuixi District like waves, and in the pitch black endless distance of the block, endless zombies are gathering and moving their figures.



The corpses howled in disorder, and the sky and earth were colorless.

On the defense line of Cuixi District, there was a roar of artillery fire, with colorful flames and raging machine guns. The human counterattack was hysterical, almost insane.

In order to build a defense line sufficient to withstand zombies, the military has blown up multiple high-rise buildings and used the collapsed ruins of skyscrapers as a defensive shelter.

A large number of elite soldiers and light to medium firepower were also deployed on all the high-rise buildings in Cuixi District, building a dense and eerie firepower defense network.

With such a firepower network, military soldiers are working hard to reduce the number of zombies.

The helicopter circled for a while and finally received the landing signal on the rooftop of a skyscraper.

The helicopter had just landed, and several soldiers on the rooftop were staring at the propeller as the hurricane charged towards them.

Who are you? Hold your hands up and don't move... Ah, Commander in Chief! "The soldier screamed in surprise.

Under the guidance of the soldiers, Wang Qiang and Suinian Kuang arrived at a huge tent on the rooftop.

In the tent, more than ten generals and officers were tirelessly arranging the battle deployment. When they saw Nian Kuang, all the generals stood at attention and saluted, and Nian Shuai also nodded one by one.



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