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大家在看仙帝?蝼蚁罢了 老蛇修仙传 造化血狱体 盲目剑圣,睁眼即无敌 轮回塔 万古之王 寒天纪初 西游!俺老孙弃佛成魔 大帝之下我帝境,大帝之上我开挂 低调争霸【开局召唤玄冥教】 
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All his life experiences have left Wang Qiang with an initial childlike heart to pursue his dreams.

Different encounters determine the different personalities of heroes.

Wang Qiang always felt that he was a small person, a mortal who had gained the power of Hagrid. His inner world was so ordinary that he was unwilling to take on anything beyond his perceived ability.

Because taking responsibility means giving, and giving means someone else's life.

At this moment, Wang Qiang was very sad. Eight fresh lives were buried in an instant, and they died in front of him due to his momentary negligence.

Wang Qiang is very sad.

Everyone can see that for the first time, these militarists who believe in wearing a horse's clothing wrapped in a corpse have had different thoughts about life.

Because the people they believe in are heartbroken for them, so they are very grateful.

So, something called cohesion is quietly emerging.

Xiao Chong walked beside Wang Qiang.

In Xiao Zhong's eyes, this guy who appeared in front of him like a shooting star in the first half of the night possesses all the qualities of an excellent leader.

He is very powerful, with a sense of responsibility and responsibility, humility and courtesy. The most important thing is that Wang Qiang sees people, others, and everyone else.

This is an excellent quality that other military oligarchs do not have. Working for such people may make life even more valuable.

Xiao Zhong made up his mind that as long as he didn't die, he must follow this young man and poke a huge hole in this apocalyptic sky!

The team quickly descended from the rooftop to the bottom floor, which was already the other side of the street.

Due to a large number of zombies being attracted to the back of the building, there are few zombies on the street anymore.



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