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大家在看系统赋我长生,先结婚生子再说 造化血狱体 武道封神,观摩即可加点! 隐藏修为而已,你真当我好欺负? 极限伏天 寒天纪初 修罗天帝 长夜君主 面板修仙:咸鱼狂肝秒升仙 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 
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The strong light flickered, the sound burst like thunder, and a howling sound sang in the sky and earth. The eyes of the four great monks were all black.

Almost at the same time, four missiles hit the bodies of giant zombies one after another, causing them to blow back one after another, lifting them up several tens of meters into the air and falling onto a building.

The buildings built by the pre apocalyptic tofu residue project were simply unable to withstand the weight and inertia of giant zombies, and they collapsed with a bang. The giant zombies lay between the ruins, and the incendiary agents carried by missiles still played a role, igniting the ruins.

There was silence all around, and many military soldiers raiding the battlefield quietly revealed their thievish heads from all around, with their eyes shining towards the ruins.

For one minute or two, the zombie remained unresponsive, presumably destroyed by a missile.

Are you kidding me? Even the Nipton missile can kill the main battle tank with one strike, and these four rounds hit the zombie. Even if the zombie was a Martian before death, it should have been blown up!

Amitabha, Brother Dingqian has a good technique. I think he should be able to surpass that monster this time. "The three old monks bowed to the big monk who was carrying the missile launcher.

The tail of the flame emitted by the missile from the Dingqian monk burned his beard and eyebrows, as well as his cassock and Zen robe. At this moment, he was like an African black monk, exactly the same.

Dingqian revealed his white teeth and said with a smile, "Amitabha, thank you to the three senior brothers for restraining and enticing the enemy. Otherwise, with my skills, I wouldn't have been able to hit the zombie

Upon hearing this, the three monks all nodded. The fixed monk, who was carrying an explosive bag, let out a long sigh and said, "If I had thought of such a strategy to defeat the enemy earlier, Junior Brother Dingkun wouldn't have died in vain, eh




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