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第18章 24

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Not far away, a seven or eight-year-old little girl was screaming in terror, as if calling for a baby.

Think about it, you don’t have to be confused to be in that situation.

The problem is actually that Liu Mingyu failed to achieve his scheduled task.

While it's still a more advanced task, it proves that it's impossible to perform the task even with a thin taskbar, but I just haven't found a way

Without energy purification technology, low-energy crystals would be difficult to obtain.

After a brief silence, the auction resumed.

"If there's a way in, you can make a way for yourself, and they'll attack the pyramid with all their might, and if you agree, you get out.

My luck seems to be getting worse now.

Feel the slight elasticity of the skin, and the sense of security in the heart is greatly enhanced.

If you look at these, you will find that this grassroots manager is a knowledgeable person.

If you don’t provide value, who dares to talk about cooperation? The next second, Hodeep threw his butt forward into the air. Under the sunlight, a drop of blood was faintly visible in the air!

The Apollo bin support didn't bother these people as they walked around here these two days, but they always stayed "away."

Despite the small size of the base, Liu Mingyu only captured a small number of different types of zombies. "Hu Die was a little excited, but he just wanted to see what the black man was going to do, so he said his name. Were they deliberately causing trouble?"

Later, when he attacked, Liu Minyu took this into consideration.

It was as if Lu Minyu had never seen a severed limb regenerate.

There is not much difference between a negative image and a discriminatory image.

As long as the zombie energy crystals are exhausted, low-level zombies can be created.



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