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第19章 20

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By the next morning, Chen Yingxi's wound was almost healed. Apart from being unable to do heavy physical labor, she could walk normally without any problems. After lying on the bed for several days, Chen Yingxi finally held Xiaocang in his arms. leave him alone

Perhaps there is one way to look at this.

Liu Ming said seriously on behalf of Yuyu that this is related to the conditions for pleting the task. I am doing it wrong now, so I will not waste time.

Bai's situation is very dangerous, his body is under Thuong Quan Vu Diep's radio sensor!

They are locked in a cage.

Maybe Huo Ye's thoughts are idealistic, but this is his incredible kindness and incredible kindness. Although they did not witness the entire process with their own eyes, the two frontline journalists intuitively judged that this incident must have e from the Battle of Hodip.

This time I suddenly received a spiritual message from Au Duong Tu. I'm not impressed. It turned out that the boss Niu Meng and a few others were flying to Guangzhou with their families. This is my strawberry flavor!

He and Chong Hanyu had nothing left to kill. "."

Liu Mingyu no longer attacked from a distance, but chose close bat.

The main theme of this country is red. I spoiled my sister rotten, please forgive me for what she said.

Of course, Vuong Vinh Kien wholeheartedly agrees, but it won't be long before we find out whether he means it or not. "."

Fang Qiuyue was not angry, but gently patted the former's shoulder to fort the latter.

"I'm sorry Master, the metal structure behind your eyes is stupid. You can't break it with your current strength."

Yang Mach said looking at the girl who didn't dare to take a step forward.

Even if surgery has not been successful, the condition may or may not be curable, depending on the course of treatment before surgery.



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