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第117章 33

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All in all, Wang Huairou didn't pay too much attention. After all, there were not many devices around, and it was extremely rare for one or two pieces of equipment to malfunction.

At that time, Qu Suran could indeed feel the burning love in Liu Xin's eyes, but now Liu Xin told Qu Suran that all this was because of perversion. "

He began working with Chance almost immediately. Point the bean cart toward the river, wait for the weight to lighten, then push the cart to make room for the vehicle.

At the base of the Tower of Babel is a factory-like existence.

Overall, it can still be regarded as a feasibility study report.

Governor Wang always gets into trouble over trivial matters.

Even if Wang Huairou orders us to mit suicide, we will definitely kill him ourselves.

Considering the current situation, Xiaojia is still very indifferent about improving her strength. "

"It's a pure coincidence. People pay really cheap there and generally look good. Each trip costs about two or three hundred dollars. If you're willing to pay the grocery bill, a pound will feed you for the night."

This is mainly because the home planet requires very few resources. In fact, not many people e to send us resumes. There are also over 20 giant D2 zombies!

"You came!

Liu Mingyu was secretly happy. It seemed that there was no hope of relegation. "

Cang Nan opened his mouth, with a look of disbelief in his eyes, but at this moment, he suddenly woke up. Alice smiled naturally.

I'm afraid it will only take a hundred years for it to pletely collapse.

In fact, apart from a few intelligent robots that perform simple daily maintenance tasks, there are no other living things in the Tower of Babel.

Similarly, if a person stays in one place for a long time, he will also feel fortable. 】




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