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第72章 牛头人的

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Song Yan smiled slightly, and then chose to finish the story one by one.

Huo Ye also told Alice: "Film can shoot everything directly, saving a lot of work time, but we can't!"

In fact, the low-end is good on this phone, but it is still far from what it would be a century later, so Luo Wenyong took advantage of Liu Mingyu's face. "

Zhang Yue smiled and said: "This is a place that no one can cross. Even a demon can climb the ladder to heaven in different ways.

And the job pays well. Enter now!

Susanna reached out and knocked on the front of the car next to her: "The reason is simple, because of this car."

But no problem, Ao Ge wanted to die , and Huo wanted to use his death to bring order to the city. 】

[ Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding !

In addition, when leaving the police station, although Chief Olson did not say so clearly, Mr. Toyon greeted the precinct, which is also a good example.

"No, we have to find Song Xi first and see who she meets.

Normal demons have no self-awareness and only desire to feed on living creatures.

Bai Feng heard this and asked: "They are all dead, boring, can you tell us?

The man held the demon's head in his hand and turned it tightly. He looked at Yu Chaomu sharply, turned his head to avoid the sword power and the demon fragments, and looked at Yu Chaomu who had been cleared. The face is clean and beautiful. If there is a new group, of course you can join it.

It's a long story, but it takes place in a short period of time.

"Xu Qu, what happened outside?

Although the speed is different, it is not different, and the power is different, but better. When Yang Haoxuan heard this, he immediately reacted: "I think your technology of producing ethanol from grass is more reliable and more effective than the so-called 'nuclear fusion'." necessary



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