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Liu Ru's face turned bloody!

Leylin continued to eat, eating one piece at a time.

The metal magma covering the giant tree began to accelerate, rising towards the Ashbringer covered in flames.

The soldier nodded and said, "Yes, ma'am." After the funeral. "

Yang Haoxuan smiled and said: "Beauty, what did you call her?

“Ms. Yang, this is Deborah, our manager.

After that, Zhang Hao began to interview the deputy dean. Unfortunately, he interviewed more than ten candidates together, but none of them qualified. He always felt that something was missing.

He sighed helplessly and interrupted: "Okay, you're right, that's it, I will attend the wedding via video. We have already lost a lot of people on the city wall. This time the devil The tribe attacked and we lost eighteen people. " "

“We go back to the pany to sign the contract first, and then go to the police station to explain it, it’s very simple.

He didn't hesitate, took the green fire in his hand, turned around and fought with his hair. The monster behind the man was cut off. "

"Brother Yang, don't blame me. In fact, he can't control this kind of thing happening even in the area.

At the same time, in the underground parking lot of Tianbo Enterprise Building filled with white smoke, Liu Yuyi and Chen Yang's team were fighting a large group of monsters attacking the parking lot.

Haha, this means that when these guys are in front of their opponents, they will destroy them along the way!

“Let me be clear, the police here differentiate between locals and foreigners.

Well, if he is really surrounded by a group of bodies that he created, then he is very dangerous, and he may be eaten by monsters like Zeratul. "

In an instant, the smoke turned into a human form with a smile on his face.

“I saw that even if the ine from this activity was very small and there was no money now, the equipment needed to cross the Straits of Malacca could be made putationally.



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