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The aura exploded, only the evolved ones arrived

A skill that can only be mastered at the third level. This is a trick that the evolver can use to kill the enemy together at a critical moment.

Qin An now has five of his seven items. He still needs a hat and a necklace to activate the attributes of the suit, and gain super attributes that can permanently double the blood volume. He bees a Blood Ox Mage and feels naturally beautiful.

There were 13 people walking with Ma Rong at this time . The eldest among them was Snoopy. His true identity was the patriarch of a large family on Mars. "

Liu Mingyu said hello, then leaned down and whispered to Huang Yu's abdomen: "Baby, it's morning for you too."

"Really? All the male creatures around me want to mate with me because they want to get my female genes! And the mate behavior of animals is the result of natural selection, allowing the bloodline to continue. It is the nature of every animal, it is an attribute that life itself has when it is born, and any organism in the universe has this characteristic, which is to continue its descendants."

Yaozi's heart seemed to be beating harder, and at the same time she felt a little disappointed.

Even if they have the idea of rebellion, I am afraid they do not have the ability to do so.

After sprinkling some seasoning on the barbecue, Qin An was silent for a while and suddenly said:

"Yaozi, tell me, what should we do if they all enter the valley?

"What are you doing here?

Being able to have a controllable breakfast at your disposal is already a staged victory.

Sima followed Holden not far away and narrowed his eyes slightly. "

"Ah, yes!

Yaozi's bat effectiveness has been greatly improved because he obtained the Golden Horse and Iron Horse Warhammer.

Village Chief Fan interrupted on the spot: "No, you said I'm a rotten old man who's half dead. What do they want from me? Will it have any impact on me?"



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