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大家在看高武:我有一个合成栏 诸天命运之主 我也是异常生物 诸天最强道尊 神级反派 位面无限重生 跟大人物结婚后我成了星际第一网红 末世:从照顾邻妻开始 电影剧情穿梭戒指 我的合成天赋 
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He didn't expect that Liu Rou would decide to surrender on her own after defeating him!

Du Fei would not let others know about the exchange , so he could only say that his energy could change matter. "

Standing up, Zhong Hanyu raised his head sadly, hugged his back tightly, put his forehead against the blood on his forehead, and said:

"No, you insult me, I let you insult me, I let you insult me for the rest of my life, I won't cry anymore.

Just when Ouyang Xiu shouted, there was a 'pop' sound, and the energy arrow pierced Du Fei's body, releasing a ball of blood, which immediately poured into the solid blood at the hot spot.

This is actually Qiao Jin's second goal. And you... are still breaking the law! "

After the tall forty-five-year-old man finished speaking, he knelt down and kicked Qin Yi several times, knocking Qin Yi unconscious .

Where are people?

The energy around him seemed to be slowly released again, which made him a little scared. After all, this was the energy he longed for.

Ivan talked for a long time, but he was still not satisfied with the word "I" because he did not hide himself a thousand times as expected. When he was about to say something, he saw Su Xiaoya raise her head. Looking at Su Xiaoya's rosy face, big eyes, small nose, perfect face, and beautiful lips, Yi Wen didn't want to leave for a moment, so he lowered his head and kissed her face.

"is it possible?

It will kill x number of unfit people. "

In the eyes of classmates, this is a long-term dream.

Obviously, this move shocked not only Qingling, but also the giant snake standing above his closed eyes. "

Huo Ye said this in an angry tone and seemed confused. "

"It protects the body from injury, protects the body from attack..."

"The law of [Resentful Spirit Barrier] is similar to a regional ability. It can confuse the enemy and give you an advantage. Or is it some kind of weapon?



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站内强推疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 庶女有毒 仕途人生 九转不灭诀 记住,小漂亮说什么都是对的! 军婚:彪悍媳妇她带数亿资产穿越 异兽迷城 十日终焉 四合院:满级悟性,开局八级车工 我在三国捡尸成神 四合院,融合万物,耕耘四九城 废土崛起 乡村大凶器 诡异入侵,我反杀不过分吧? 不良校花爱上我 青云直上 神雕后传之逆天记 我的年代,从四合院开始 抗战:开局召唤一个德械师 他的小难哄 
经典收藏影视世界从匆匆那年开始 末世:开局青龙果实 末日崛起 我有一座空间站 废土:新纪元 无限世界直播系统 位面之时空之匙 星际之门:新世界 我的大脑里下载了游戏 末世:藤条主宰 网游之剑刃舞者 是谁在呼叫舰队? 天灾第十年跟我去种田 漫威世界的穿越者 全球御兽:我能设计进化路线 抗战之重生天狼战将 进化,从看见血条开始 我的造物能升级 最终神职 极限天灾,重零开始囤百万物资! 
最近更新种出国宝后,我在末世改造烂尾楼 生存游戏:囤货,一囤一个不吱声 末世重生:我靠安全车囤物斩尸 冰封末世:我抢了柳如烟的避难所 末世狂薅:薅垮米曰,薅哭全球! 地球遗弃?我反手改造成行星飞船 机动苍穹 末世:绝美总裁让我只收女的 小尸尸我啊!被疯批反派圈养了 我在星际捡神明 星际兽世:绝色雌性她是万人迷 我在末世做宅女 末世余晖:废墟中的希望 超能:我在十一维空间轮回 末世重生:玩转万倍储物空间 搬空全球物资,末世真千金赢麻了 听懂毛茸茸说话,我在末世杀疯了 生存or游戏,我选择随意 暗幕如牢 七级凶兽围城,我驾驶机甲救场 
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