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【 x: Wele. According to what you said, the business of buying Chong Hanyu 's life is not a problem that can be solved with money. The current system can only accept lives in exchange for lives. I am the leader and do business directly. And I am the only one responsible for this, my life's work. Even if I want to open the door for you, but... I don't have the strength.

Director Liu Ruotong’s father was not a diligent person. When he heard that someone could help him, he said to Liu Ruotong: “If anything happens, you must promise!


In the conference hall, a piece of news suddenly came, which surprised everyone.

Tang Mo dipped the rope into a barrel of oil, "You will find a way to wrap the rope around the snake."

Lelimy cut off multiple munication channels of everyone's puters, and whenever she said words like "Ogo, team", she cut off their hearing.

Two days later, all three of them were together. Now they slept two by two . When one person slept, his position was shared equally with the others. After two hours, they left the room where they slept and moved to another room. . parking space. other people

Liu Ru seems unable to fight and his clothes are missing. What will he do next? Jianguo asked.

Seeing He Jianguo's words, Bai Feng crossed his legs and said, "Yeah, just tell me if you have anything to do. As long as I can do it in Bai, I will win. Bai Feng can do it."

Du Fei remembered many things in his mind, some from his past life and some from this life, all put in one place. He slowly noticed what happened and what didn't happen, but this is what we look like when we are young. in all places. the truth

"..." Huo Ye was silent for a few minutes and said, "You are a good policeman! Did you say that again?

When the girl saw Qin An's body, she was stunned for a moment, then knelt down and said, "Ding Yao respects Guang Guang's life!



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