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大家在看三体 四合院:携带空间,纵享人生三大幸事 胜天半子祁同伟,开局狂赚三个亿 敛财人生 农家子的古代科举生活 影视编辑器 诸天从有超能力开始 柯南里的捡尸人 我有一座山 斗罗:我十八环封号,拎枪屠神! 
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In this paper we present preliminary results of six long-term numerical integrations on all nine planetary orbits, covering a span of several 109 yr, and of two other integrations covering a span of ± 5 × 1010 yr. The total elapsed time for all integrations is more than 5 yr, using several dedicated PCs and workstations. One of the fundamental conclusions of our long-term integrations is that Solar system planetary motion seems to be stable in terms of the Hill stability mentioned above, at least over a time-span of ± 4 Gyr. Actually, in our numerical integrations the system was far more stable than what is defined by the Hill stability criterion: not only did no close encounter happen during the integration period, but also all the planetary orbital elements have been confined in a narrow region both in time and frequency domain, though planetary motions are stochastic. Since the purpose of this paper is to exhibit and overview the results of our long-term numerical integrations, we show typical example figures as evidence of the very long-term stability of Solar system planetary motion. For readers who have more specific and deeper interests in our numerical results, we have prepared a webpage (access ), where we show raw orbital elements, their low-pass filtered results, variation of Delaunay elements and angular momentum deficit, and results of our simple time–frequency analysis on all of our integrations.

In Section 2 we briefly explain our dynamical model, numerical method and initial conditions used in our integrations. Section 3 is devoted to a description of the quick results of the numerical integrations. Very long-term stability of Solar system planetary motion is apparent both in planetary positions and orbital elements. A rough estimation of numerical errors is also given. Section 4 goes on to a discussion of the longest-term variation of planetary orbits using a low-pass filter and includes a discussion of angular momentum deficit. In Section 5, we present a set of numerical integrations for the outer five planets that spans ± 5 × 1010 yr. In Section 6 we also discuss the long-term stability of the planetary motion and its possible cause.



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站内强推疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 逍遥四公子 重生长姐种田忙 异兽迷城 破怨师 三体 长夜君主 丞相女儿要出嫁 宋檀记事 乡村大凶器 诡舍 我都快成仙帝了,你让我去高考? 对不起小龙女,我尹志平只想修仙 此夜逢君 带着战略仓库回大唐 这个炼丹师玩的真脏啊 灾后第六年,我靠发豆芽攒下农场 剑暮点灯人 鬼吹灯 摄政王爷,别太猛 
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