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大家在看大兴安岭打猎知青 我都快成仙帝了,你让我去高考? 四合院:大学毕业进厂,压垮禽兽 重生1961带着食品批发部 四合院:笑傲江湖的警察 祁同伟:胜天半子,我要逆天改命 捡漏欧美:我要拿回所有国宝 四合院:开局一把枪,禽兽全发慌 穿越之欢哥传奇 疯了!校花妈妈给我当秘书! 
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第481章 10进5开战

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i' sorr if i see unterested,

oh i' not listeng no i' different,

trul i a't got no bess here,

but se friends are here,

i jt a to kik it,

but reall i ould rather,

be at ho all b self,

not this roo ith people,

ho don't even are about ell beg,

i don't dane don't ask,

i don't need a bofriend,

so ou an go bak,

please enjo our part,

i'll be here sohere the oer,

under louds of arijuana,

ith this bo ho's hollerg,

i an hardl hear,

over this i i don't listen to,

and i don't anna get ith ou,

so tell friends,

that i'll be over here,

oh here oh here,

oh i asked self hat a i dog here,

oh here oh here,

and i an't ait till,

e an break up out of here,

exe if i see a little,

unipressed ith this,

an antisoial pessiist,

but uall i don't ss ith this,

and i kno ou an onl,

the best and our,

tentions aren't to bother ,

but honestl i'd rather be,

sohere ith people,

e an kik it and jt listen to,

so i ith a ssage,

like e uall do,

and e'll diss our big dreas,

ho e pn to take over the p

so pardon anners

i hope ou understand that i'll be here,

not there the kithen,

ith the girl ho's as,

gossipg about her friends,

so tell the i'll be here,

right next to the bo ho's throg up,

ae he an't take,

hat's his up no ore,

oh god h a i here,

oh here oh here,

oh i asked self hat a i dog here,

oh here oh here,

and i an't ait till,

e an break up out of here,

hours ter ongregatg next,

to the refrigerator,

so girl's talkg about,

her haters she a't got none,

ho did it ever o to this,

i should never o to this,

so hol at i'll be the,

ar hen ou're done,

i' stand-offish,

don't ant hat ou're offerg,

and i' doalkg afull sad,

it had to be that a,

so tell people,

hen the're read that i' read,

and i' standg,

b the tv ith beanie lo,

o i'll be over here,

oh here oh here,

oh i asked self hat a i dog here,

oh here oh here,

and i an't ait till,

e an break up out of here~


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站内强推逍遥四公子 破怨师 龙游天下之瑞康公主小传 斯莱特林的哑炮之子 穿越成60年代小族长的暴爽人生 大明之气运至尊 宋檀记事 我的红警我的兵 万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 梦回大上海 七零,重生后我被最强军官花样宠 极品布衣 四合院:激情澎湃的岁月 离婚后前妻成债主第二季 末世大佬零元购地狱模式 末世老六:开局零元购天量物资 蛇棺 渣夫领回了白月光我转身嫁他首长 倚天屠龙记续 帝御无疆 
经典收藏1972,红旗招展的青春年代 重生78,娶青梅当老婆 四合院里的悠哉日子 高武:睡觉两年半,有系统过分吗 跑山:契约猛兽,承包整座大山 重生70年,觉醒系统从打猎开始 港片:扎职就变强 洛杉矶神探 赶海:开局一把沙铲承包整个沙滩 女友警局入职,我天天送罪犯! 四合院:我有一个小世界 四合院里的火车司机 从恶魔附身开始,成为传说猎魔人 重生1961带着食品批发部 重生1977 四合院:笑傲江湖的警察 年代:我在58有块田 赶海:从幸运赶海夹开始暴富 重生85,开局跟全家断绝关系 遭到停职,竟然被县委突击提拔 
最近更新我的系统竟然是九天玄女 抗战:我觉醒杀星系统 十二狱 凡逆:仙武同修 祖血 蓝星第一霸 荒野淘金客 线上口嗨,黑道千金要线下单杀我 柳条胡同之飞哥归来 我就生活在那个时代 疯人院传奇:超能觉醒 断亲后,我在荒野世界嘎嘎乱杀 重生:我死后的一年 记忆迷城 今生等你 叶立航与吴林的爱情传奇人生 赚钱太快,超速了!请出示神豪证 我见过很多神豪,他们都叫我神豪 19年魔都开局十连抽德械加强团 人间无敌:从监狱开始崛起 
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