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大家在看疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 逍遥四公子 我,天道殿殿主,打造诸天万榜 转生神树,我打造阴兵家族 老蛇修仙传 开局强娶敌人老祖,我直接起飞了 人在截教写日记,通天被玩坏了 瞎编功法,徒儿你真练成了? 面板修仙:咸鱼狂肝秒升仙 天啊!我的孽徒各个是女帝 
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第85章 奇怪的事件

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As beautiful as the Golden Horse is, who expects it to be as good a kill as the Silver Ruler, which is not fun at all.

So what do you need?

Yai looked serious, but there was a dark circle in his right eye, which made him look a little strange, and the young man couldn't help but laugh. This time Malaika doesn't show her anger, but remembers her actions and has to use her high school talent to e up with a series of bad plans to avenge this humiliation. Silver Legion, Silver Dominator - Angel is proud to be a member of the Silver Trojans.

Don't laugh.

God is real.

I am Anlov, as you can see, I am God.

Anloff says he is mentally ill because only mentally ill people in the world think they are gods.

There is only one magician in Angel's heart, and the beautiful angel has seen magicians many times, but unlike Angel, he has never seen a magician stronger than those who call themselves gods.

What happened? you agree

If you suddenly say you are God, who do you think will believe you?

Can't the two people around you attest to the power of the Lord?

Isn't this a totalitarian world? Then I remembered that the car supplies were mine.

One felt that something had suddenly happened and tried to pretend that he did not know, but there were some things he could not act like a fool.

Well, if you step back and look into your darkness, you'll see that it's not a lie, but believe it or not, I have a job for you.

work? Is it really effective? Oh, work is hell, God, why did you bring me the fire of hell?

Because you are a talented person, an angel, a graduate of Hope Hole. Holy angel? That's a great name, High School Senior Researcher.

In fact, this person is a top NEET examiner.


Anlov was surprised. Pearl answered.

Because my philosophy in life is to never leave the house if I don't have to, and most of the information can be found on the internet, legal or not, so I'll leave it to you. For better to e. Better to e. Nowadays, there is no human work or brainstorming, we only need a machine, but not enough brain to predict the mind. you



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站内强推疯了吧?抢亲抢到大帝头上了? 逍遥四公子 都市医道龙神 破怨师 仕途人生 影视之每次都有新技能 穿越成60年代小族长的暴爽人生 武帝重生 庶女有毒 骑遇 孙悟空的悲伤 骑行异事 重生另嫁小叔,夫妻联手虐渣 傻子,不可以 他的小难哄 娇妻得宠:盛少别乱来 我当道士那些年 大明之气运至尊 玄天1:古玄动天 女儿萌软,娇妻美艳,还特别黏人 
经典收藏万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 逍遥四公子 道诡异仙 修仙路上美女多 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 全属性武道 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 穿越之开局摸鱼 全西游都慌了,我的徒弟都成圣了 洪荒之我红云崛起了 长生从内卷肝经验开始 强化子嗣:我后代遍布修仙界 我的修炼时间和人不一样 狩魔大宗师 非正常宠兽培育指南 神级宠物进化系统 西游:悟性逆天,领悟天罡地煞 招收天命,打造永恒级势力 洪荒:我,人族圣皇,悟性逆天 武逆焚天 
最近更新自编文学醒世恒言 贬为杂役后,我无敌了你们哭什么 盖世丹圣 我识海中有九十九座武道碑 快拦住他,别让那把剑出鞘! 尘缘丨猪八戒与高翠兰的故事 玄幻,小小反派的崛起 娘子太努力,我摆烂怎么了? 洪荒:我刚穿越就无敌了? 有兽焉:抱歉,梦醒无兽 黑龙特别行动组2 你们修仙,我撸口子 开局与圣女双修,觉醒九阳圣体 系统迟到!重生后让我攻略她们 遮天之太古仙泪 谁都别想超度我! 谁教你这么修仙的 吞噬武魂! 游戏修成真仙后,现实灵气复苏了 系统识别大帝为蝼蚁,我一拳秒杀 
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