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大家在看夭寿!老爹魔帝,无敌一下怎么了 问天三罪 武帝重生 霸天武魂 邪鼎 九转帝尊 双修无敌:从宗门杂役到盖世帝尊 继承土地庙,从教黄皮子讨封开始 我的诡异人生 低调争霸【开局召唤玄冥教】 
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第85章 奇怪的事件

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So remember, I'm a policeman at home, Jue! Move! He does not leave the house to work.

Before the fallen investigator lost his soul, the angel shamelessly said:

At first, he thought that a god named Anlov would mand them to move.

But this master laughed, clapped his hands, and said:

This person is right and needs your wisdom.

I am a god, but unlike the old gods who lost their faith and worshiped men, I represent the present and the future.

I am science, the fantasy version, not me, we are the gods of science, we are the new gods, we --- science.

The god Arafu said this, and so did the Gindan angels and the main forces. We have our first encounter with the new gods that appear in science fiction.

Book of fools 117 (10)

What kind of crazy world is this?

This was a good and bad thing for the gods of the world, and the fear of being attacked again kept the angels from saying anything.

In other words, at this point, Annie shoves the self-proclaimed god in front of her.

Either he thought about it, or he just continued his thoughts. But after witnessing another person's self-proclaimed god and truly understanding what that being is, shame is inevitable.

Such a twisted world does not obey the laws of reason and has nothing to do with the will of man, which is the order that God must have.

Fallen angels have no heart to obey God.

It's anger, it's hopelessness, it's hopelessness, it's anger that there is no Savior in the world, not even a miracle in a meaningless world.

However, no matter how much anger and despair I felt inside, it often led to physical weakness.

In the end, he could only see God with his eyes.

Of course, if only machines or a few people can do it, then your presence is unnecessary.

So please don't ask me to do anything that God or man cannot do, not even a miracle.



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