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大家在看我,天道殿殿主,打造诸天万榜 九转不灭诀 长夜君主 诛仙! 武道封神,观摩即可加点! 轮回塔 人在截教写日记,通天被玩坏了 我的诡异人生 天啊!我的孽徒各个是女帝 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 
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第85章 奇怪的事件

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We see that it is the people who pray to God and ask for salvation, not God. Why does God need human help? Did you laugh?

You are a divine being, but how do you show God what to do? If there are things that even God and people cannot do, how can we speak before God?

I can't understand another person's intentions, let alone another person's intentions.

But if you think about it, Angel couldn't think of anything else to do but have fun playing God games to kill time.

It is impossible for people to perform miracles that people pray for, just as others need human help.

The angel believed in this with all his heart, so he believed in the Trojan rulers, the great beings who lived in the court of chaos, the elders, these animals called outside gods.

For the God in front of him, Ani did not even know the slightest fort, and even though he was clearly in the presence of God, he could not get any fort, and could only endure God's mands here. .

The silver number rings emit an inparable light that cannot be seen by humans and gods.

In this gentle and beautiful light, the negative emotions in his heart began to subside and were replaced by unparalleled strength.

Yi's eyes showed this strange light and this god saw himself in front of a man called An Ruof.

It was the first time that God smiled in front of Annie, and it was like God smiling at the heroes of the stories, instead of mocking the helpless and tired people who wandered the world.

It was great. He did nothing, did not understand the other person's situation, did not understand what happened to him.

This is help from God, help from God called Trojan silver.

There was no way to know if the Silver Trojan's power was there and when it took effect, even if the god Anlov didn't know.

But one thing is certain.



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最近更新封神?我不同意你封个毛 玄幻大改造:系统要我搞现代化 封神之开局十绝阵 长生,从创立家族开始 大道至简之悟道 幻世破晓:魔法与科技的交响 furry异界传奇之旅 灵幻仙途:五灵主宰 穿越后我在修仙界女尊宠夫 神经,才三岁,系统让我娶女帝? 提前登陆游戏世界,开局联姻女帝 夜域余晖 求道万界 香火传世,唯我北辰真君 系统越来越诡异关我牧师什么事 古蜀记青铜蚕丛 他连神兽都能炼制,你说他是废物? 没有美女追随不是成功的召唤师 穿界领域之异途 一岁一个金手指,我不无敌谁无敌 
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