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第88章 吉格什内尔赫王国

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At a time like this, I don't want to touch an unknown creature, and I don't know what I'm doing.

Suddenly one turned and ran to his room.

It is true that the spirit is not good, so I can understand the desire to rest, but it is absolutely impossible to think of anything strange here.

But, in Annie's mind, it's like a thief, and it's not a fairy tale.

So he took his gun to his room and quietly returned to the mysterious voice.

Is there anyone there? Please reply if there is.

Of course, usually no one can answer that.

However, when you hear these words, your attitude will always change, and that change will be reflected in your voice.

He might say something to her.

He raised his gun, ready to fire at any moment.

Different from Nancy's gun before, Angel's gun is so big that it can hurt Angel's hand when shot.

I don't know why the original owner had such a tool, but it's still a useful tool today.

He didn't want to listen to other people's explanations, and if there was a strange source, whether human or animal, he wanted to hear the other side's explanation after he shot the angel.

A thief who enters a thief's house must be put to death, even if he is killed.

Angel, with no regard for the lives of others, pointed his gun into the air without pressure. This is because this is supposed to be the place where the sound can actually be heard.

Some Qi can activate the security and deliver a shock at any time.

However, suddenly there was no sound ing from inside.

He was able to progress one step at a time, observing the people who appeared.

But suddenly Nancy appeared outside.

angel? What are you doing here with a gun? What happened?

Hearing Nancy's voice, Angel took two steps back and looked at her.

Don't you feel the same way? There is a strange noise here and it is very disturbing. It looks like something strange is ing into the house, Nancy, don't you think you need a gun these days to ward off the evil spirits and take out the one lurking in the dark with a bullet?



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