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大家在看诛仙! 悟性逆天,开局创造核聚变登神路 武帝重生 轮回塔 人在截教写日记,通天被玩坏了 极限伏天 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 被关十万年,我疯了,也无敌了 武道大帝 低调争霸【开局召唤玄冥教】 
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第88章 吉格什内尔赫王国

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He didn't realize that his words were like shooting someone else.

However, Nancy seems to be more stupid than Anne II, or rather does not understand.

Does bleeding mean urination?

Yes, I said exorcism.

Angel responded well to Nancy's eyes.

In any case, I think the person who showed up at this point is a good person regardless of what you think about it. No, I must say that I cannot tell whether it is human or not. Start shooting before you do anything bad. It's good for you and good for me.

His words made Nancy unfortable. The reason is that Nancy kicked the door in front of her when she kicked it.

Before a criminal can mit any evil act, he must first be brought to justice. If he does not mit a crime, God will surely protect him from harm.

Where did this villain e from and how long will the trial last before something bad happens?

Do not say that it is God's time, that if people are innocent, God will act, or they must die. He was innocent, but the gods did not protect him, so the gods wanted to take him to heaven, and as a man it was his duty to send him to the gods.

Yes, it looks like a terrorist, no, it's worse than a terrorist, he said.

As a law-abiding citizen, this was an unacceptable statement for Nancy, but nevertheless she remained silent, as if convinced.

Nancy is a page researcher.

How can Nancy be kind because she is not a beautiful woman? These previous links are just to fulfill the previous set.

After that, of course, it's time for regular work.

Nancy didn't care what kind of people were there, but it was hard to get the attention of someone like the police.

But he thinks that Nancy has nothing to fear, because this process will require many moments of "God is with me".

The best life is to hide it or die.

Nancy has that knowledge.



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